I help ambitious people grow and succeed

I’m Tony Franco, a UK-based marketing consultant. I love working with people who are looking to achieve great things. People who want to leave their mark on the world. I do this in three ways. Firstly as a workshop facilitator. I design and facilitate all kinds of marketing-related workshops. Secondly, as a trainer. I teach people marketing-related skills. Thirdly, as a coach. I help people achieve their professional goals.

Often I work on my own, directly with clients. I also partner with other agencies, most notably Challenger branding agency eatbigfish. I help clients become more inventive and resourceful, using the tools and frameworks from the book ‘A Beautiful Constraint’. I also help people develop a Challenger Mindset.

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I enable you to do the best work of your life. I’ve been a marketer for over 30 years on both the client and agency sides. I’ve travelled the world working with exceptional brands that have shaped our culture. I’m an experienced marketing practitioner who can help you to achieve more.


Take part in my inspirational marketing training programmes. They’re full of fresh insight, practical advice and the latest thinking.


I’m a workshop expert and a world class facilitator. I can plan and facilitate your key marketing workshops, from the strategic, through to the creative.


I’m an experienced coach and mentor. I help you achieve your goals and improve your performance.

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Need some brain food? My blog is full of practical advice and inspiration that will help you help perform at your best

Please Contact Me

Tony Franco


+44 (0)7867 554134

Here’s some of the organisations I’ve worked with recently.

On Stage

View my Keynote Presentation at the Atlassian Partners Event in Vienna, September 2019

Tony is the King of workshops! He was always extremely well organised, had the gravitas to hold the room and he could think on his feet quickly when difficult issues presented themselves